
A modern leadership blog by Kim Fitkin.

Overcoming the Loneliness at the Top: How New Leaders Can Shift the Spotlight for Greater Team Success

As a new leader, I struggled to accept “it’s not all about me”. ** Wait, what? ** (says 25-year-old me) Growing up, I was a gymnast and a... read more


Shattering the Mold: How to Ditch the Stale Compliment Sandwich and Transform Feedback in Your Team

The Compliment Sandwich is stale. Maybe thats too kind. Its limp and moldy in the back of the deli case. Teams want better. But a lot of managers... read more


Stop Controlling, Start Understanding: The Key to Successful Modern Leadership

Theres a mistake I often see in leadership. Telling people how they should feel. Remember this. Your team members courageously share their feelings.... read more


This Is How Modern Leaders Can Learn From the 1989 Oakland A's Winning Strategy to Boost Team Effectiveness

Here’s the one thing that modern leaders should learn from the 1989 Oakland A’s to be more effective. The year is 1989. I’m a kid watching the... read more


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