
A modern leadership blog by Kim Fitkin.

5 Unforgivable Reasons Why Annual Performance Reviews Are Killing Your Team's Morale and Productivity

Stop giving annual performance reviews. Just stop. There’s no place for them in our modern workplaces. Heres why. I had a job where feedback came once... read more


6 Proven Techniques to Build Unshakeable Trust and Inspire Your Team to Go the Extra Mile

Does your team go the extra mile for you? They will! Heres how. Last week, a top client came to me about advertising in a heavily regulated industry.... read more


Discover the Secret Behind Motivating Your Team: It's Not Just About Money, It's About Understanding and Inspiration

Stop incentivizing your team with money. Its not motivating them. Unless you know what motivates your team, throwing money at them is as effective as... read more


Escaping the Set-Up-to-Fail Syndrome: How Leaders Can Empower Their Teams and Inspire Success

Leaders fall into traps. And theyre not always obvious. The Set-Up-to-Fail Syndrome (SUFS) is one of them. I found myself dealing with an... read more


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