Discover the Secret Behind Motivating Your Team: It's Not Just About Money, It's About Understanding and Inspiration

by Kim Fitkin - 6/6/2023

Discover the Secret Behind Motivating Your Team: It's Not Just About Money, It's About Understanding and Inspiration

Stop incentivizing your team with money.

Its not motivating them.

Unless you know what motivates your team, throwing money at them is as effective as shooting arrows in the dark.

Old leadership methods tell us everyone is motivated by money.

Well, modern leadership craps on this assumption.

To get the best out of your team, you have to dive deeper.

Begin by truly understanding your team.

Their goals. Their aspirations. What drives them.

A paycheck? Sure. But theres more.

People are motivated by an array of factors.

  • Power to influence outcomes
  • Autonomy to make their own decisions
  • Security that their job will be there tomorrow
  • Harmony in the workplace that promotes unity

The list goes on.

Money is a good start, but its not the finish line.

The finish line is where personal and professional development intersect.

Its where intrinsic and extrinsic motivations align.

So, next time you plan a rewards program, dont just open the checkbook.

Open the floor for dialogue, understand individual motivations, and craft an incentive system that speaks to your teams hearts, not just their wallets.

To lead is to understand. To motivate is to inspire. Its time to upgrade our leadership playbook. Its time to look beyond money.

What motivates you?

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