
A modern leadership blog by Kim Fitkin.

Breaking the Maternity Leave Curse: How the Tech Industry Undermines Women in Leadership Positions

How have we STILL not figured out mat leave?? We let women take it but at their own risk And I never know what to say to women who come to me for... read more


Decoding Workplace Psychological Safety: 5 Empowering Actions and 6 Common Misconceptions

Workplace psychological safety: What it is and isnt What it is — A shared belief that it is okay for employees to: • Take risks • Admit mistakes •... read more


Exposing the Truth: Why Your Past Struggles Don't Define Vulnerability in Leadership

I have a confession. I have been guilty of confusing a disclosure pointing to my past as an act of vulnerability. If you scroll your feed long enough,... read more


Transform Criticism into Growth: How to Effectively Utilize Feedback for Success

Blaming others for not receiving proper feedback is a flawed argument. Better, heres how to flip it into valuable feedback: ​ 1️⃣ Realize what you are... read more


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