Breaking the Maternity Leave Curse: How the Tech Industry Undermines Women in Leadership Positions

by Kim Fitkin - 7/3/2023

How have we STILL not figured out mat leave??

We let women take it but at their own risk

And I never know what to say to women who come to me for advice…

The ones who are afraid of the impact on their careers

Because the hard truth is, Ive rarely seen it done well… especially in the tech / start-up space

Im mostly referring to women in leadership, or who are about to make that leap into leadership…

And then get pregnant.

2 things happen:

  1. They dont get a proper mat leave because they end up getting pulled into conversations, strategy sessions and other decisions the entire time

Been there. Picture nursing your baby on a strategy call. Not fun.


  1. They hold firm to their boundaries, take a proper mat leave and come back to a completely different org, a strategy plan they didnt agree to or even worse, a demotion

I know women who have been let go or laid off WHILE they were on mat leave!?!

Wonder why we arent seeing more women rise to the top?

The lack of support for women during crucial career growth years just may hold your answer

Lets start there ✌️💜

#womenleadership #DEI

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