
Explore insights and strategies on providing effective feedback within leadership roles. Discover how to empower and motivate your team through constructive communication.

6 Essential Tips for Leaders: How to Harness the Power of 360-Degree Feedback for Personal Growth

I get nauseous every time I read them. I’ve kept every 360-degree feedback survey I’ve had as a leader. And read them about every 6 months. It still feels like the first time. – My heart rate increasing – The sting of negative feedback – Instinct to deny the bad comments – The feelings of doubt and insecurity taking over Even when 90% of the feedback is positive. The negatives are both overwhelmi… read more


10 Effective Ways Leaders Can Transform a Team Member's Rough Day into Positivity

Your team member might be having a rough day. You don’t know what happened this morning... – Sick kid kept them up all night – Upset client sent an... read more


5 Proven Ways Leaders Can Relieve Pressure and Empower Mid-Managers for Success

Your managers are being squeezed. And something’s gotta give. Constant pressure from up top coming from leadership, and the demands from bottom, the... read more


5 Powerful Steps to Overcome Bias in Leadership Feedback: Transform Your Team Through Fairness and Growth

This is sabotaging your feedback. Many leaders give feedback influenced by their biases. Here’s the thing. – We all have biases – We have our... read more


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