5 Powerful Steps to Overcome Bias in Leadership Feedback: Transform Your Team Through Fairness and Growth

by Kim Fitkin - 2/28/2024

5 Powerful Steps to Overcome Bias in Leadership Feedback: Transform Your Team Through Fairness and Growth

This is sabotaging your feedback.

Many leaders give feedback influenced by their biases.

Here’s the thing…

– We all have biases – We have our preferences

And they like to show up when we’re giving feedback to our team.

Its not just the words you use, it’s your perspective.

The “constructive” feedback you give to one team member,

Can be biased criticism to someone else when you don’t know your bias.

Recognizing this can be the first step towards real change.

Here’s how you can manage your biases 👇

  1. Acknowledge that you have biases.
  2. Comfort zones are breeding grounds for bias. Get out of yours.
  3. Ask for feedback on your feedback. Are there patterns that show bias?
  4. Get diverse perspectives. They can help you see your blind spots.
  5. Understand the types of biases. The more you know, the more you can prevent.

Foster a culture of fairness and growth in your team.

It starts with self-awareness.

Feedback is a topic I’m asked about all the time by leaders.

How to give it. How to get it. How to create a feedback-friendly culture.

My leadership course covers this in one of six modules. Link in the comments.

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