
Explore insights and strategies on providing effective feedback within leadership roles. Discover how to empower and motivate your team through constructive communication.

4 Proven Tips to Transform Feedback into Fuel for Stellar Leadership

I still get defensive when I get feedback. Its a natural reaction. - Like a punch in the gut - Feeling my face turning red - And the want to defend... read more


5 Powerful Reasons Leaders Shy Away from Feedback: Overcome Your Fear and Elevate Your Leadership Game

Feedback is hard. Teams ask for it and leaders avoid it. When we shift our mindset and understand the responsibilities, it can become easier. See the... read more


How Leading a Retreat Can Transform Your Team: Understanding, Bonding, and Achieving Greater Effectiveness

Yesterday I led a department retreat for a team at Chapman University. It was an amazing reminder of why I do what I do. I love leading teams. When I... read more


How Patience and Persistence in Leadership Reaps Long-Term Rewards: A Personal Account

If you’re looking for instant gratification as a leader This might not be the role for you. I worked for many years managing marketing professionals.... read more


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Dive deep with actionable advice on Feedback, Leaderhship Styles, Empathy and Emotional Intelligence in the workplace and more.

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