How Patience and Persistence in Leadership Reaps Long-Term Rewards: A Personal Account

by Kim Fitkin - 2/6/2024

How Patience and Persistence in Leadership Reaps Long-Term Rewards: A Personal Account

If you’re looking for instant gratification as a leader

This might not be the role for you.

I worked for many years managing marketing professionals.

I would watch them

– Set budgets – Create campaigns – Get clicks and conversions same day

I wish it were that easy with leadership.

As a leader, I had to learn to identify less direct, long-term impact.

I got a great reminder of that this week.

When I met with an old direct report (and friend) for coffee.

After we worked together, he got a job as a VP leading a team of 8.

The feedback from his boss:

– The team loved to work with him – He had never seen a more engaged team – And he was impressed with his performance

He was proud to share this with me, and I knew he deserved it.

Then he says, “I have you to thank for teaching me.”

This was completely unexpected.

I hadn’t worked with him in over a year.

As his leader I spent years coaching and developing him.

I saw the impact he had on his team, but I’m sure it was hard for him to see day-to-day.

👉 The moral of the story

You need to wait and watch for signs of your impact.

And when you see them, hold on and remember them.

I know I will ❤️

Leaders, the impact you make sometimes you cant see.

Give yourself a pat on the back. You deserve it.

Happy Friday, friends!

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