How Leading a Retreat Can Transform Your Team: Understanding, Bonding, and Achieving Greater Effectiveness

by Kim Fitkin - 2/6/2024

How Leading a Retreat Can Transform Your Team: Understanding, Bonding, and Achieving Greater Effectiveness

Yesterday I led a department retreat for a team at Chapman University.

It was an amazing reminder of why I do what I do.

I love leading teams.

When I left my full time executive job, it was because I wanted to make a bigger impact.

I want to help more leaders and more teams.

And yesterday, I got to help that team with their goals of learning and bonding.

Here’s what we worked on 👇

– Understanding one another by talking about our behaviors – What makes each of us different and how we’re alike – How to communicate better and resolve conflicts – What drives us - our motivators – Sharing our values

My hope was that the team would leave with a deeper appreciation of our differences.

And apply what we learned to be a happier and more effective team.

…I think they will 🙂

I did hear from them that teams crave this.

The chance to get out of the office and to connect with each other.

Leaders, make time to do this! Your team will thank you.

I had so much fun planning and leading this retreat.

It took me away from some of my sharing time here, but it was worth it.

Next week I’m leading a 3-day leadership training workshop for another client and great leader.

I can’t wait to share more 🙌

Happy Friday!

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