5 Unforgivable Reasons Why Annual Performance Reviews Are Killing Your Team's Morale and Productivity

by Kim Fitkin - 6/6/2023

5 Unforgivable Reasons Why Annual Performance Reviews Are Killing Your Team's Morale and Productivity

Stop giving annual performance reviews. Just stop.

There’s no place for them in our modern workplaces. Heres why.

I had a job where feedback came once a year during performance reviews.

We were evaluated on a scale from 1-5.

The kicker?

No one ever scored a perfect 5 out of 5.

This led to grumbling and rumors that the system was rigged to keep pay raises at bay.

But the real cost of waiting a whole year for feedback?

Getting blindsided by mistakes made months ago, with zero chance to learn and make improvements in real-time.

Because I didn’t score a perfect 5/5, I got the obligatory 3% raise, without consideration for anything more.

And the feedback? Because it came too late, I didnt have an opportunity to apply it. The result was demotivating. I had no incentive to improve and I probably became a worse employee because of it.

It felt like a missed growth opportunity, both for myself and the team.

The risks of waiting to give feedback?

👉Confusion and misalignment 👉Performance issues 👉Lower team morale 👉Team attrition

Do you still have annual reviews at your job? Do you like them?

#leadership #performancereviews #feedback

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