
A modern leadership blog by Kim Fitkin.

From Librarian to Leader: How Action-Driven Leadership Outperforms Theoretical Knowledge Every Time

You’ve read all the books about leadership? Congrats! That makes you a librarian, but not a leader. Leading people has to go beyond theoretical... read more


How Leaders Can Transform Defensive Reactions into Opportunities for Growth

I’ve been told I get defensive as a leader. My immediate response? Cross my arms, eyes wide, and exclaim, "No I dont!" Ironic, right?... read more


How My Commitment to Family Fuels My Drive for Financial Freedom: A Personal Journey

This is why I do what I do. Why I work a full-time job. Why I write for hours in my off time. And why I read all the books and listen to the podcasts.... read more


Outsmarting AI: How Boosting Your EQ Can Humanize Leadership in a High-Tech World

AI is going to replace low EQ leaders. There’s no future for leaders who rely on their IQ and hard skills. AI is getting smarter every day. And youre... read more


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