Outsmarting AI: How Boosting Your EQ Can Humanize Leadership in a High-Tech World

by Kim Fitkin - 6/6/2023

Outsmarting AI: How Boosting Your EQ Can Humanize Leadership in a High-Tech World

AI is going to replace low EQ leaders.

There’s no future for leaders who rely on their IQ and hard skills.

AI is getting smarter every day.

And youre not going to outsmart the machines by building better systems, processes, or complex solutions.

Instead, we need to focus on what makes us human.

The ability to empathize with people, to understand why they do the things they do. To manage your emotions in a way that also conveys your motivation and human side. Not just the facts.

EQ is the key to standing out in our high-tech world.

Its not just a nice-to-have. Its a must-have for any effective leader.

Its how we bring the human touch to a world full of bots.

And while IQ may help solve complex problems, its EQ that builds strong teams and creates a positive work culture. Our goal as leaders.

Heres what you should be working on.

👉 Empathy 👉 Understanding 👉 Emotional insight

Leadership in the age of AI needs a more human direction. We should make EQ our guiding star.

Do that, and youll have teams that run circles around the bots.

Is AI changing your actions as a leader right now? Let me know! 🧠

#Leadership #ModernLeadership #EQ #EmotionalIntelligence

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