Overcoming the Loneliness at the Top: How New Leaders Can Shift the Spotlight for Greater Team Success

by Kim Fitkin - 6/6/2023

Overcoming the Loneliness at the Top: How New Leaders Can Shift the Spotlight for Greater Team Success

As a new leader, I struggled to accept “it’s not all about me”.

** Wait, what? ** (says 25-year-old me)

Growing up, I was a gymnast and a springboard diver.

I was on a team, but recognized as an individual for my results.

In my career, I naturally started as an individual contributor.

I worked my way up and it felt good to be promoted and recognized all along the way.

When I became an executive I was warned that it’s lonely at the top.

No one recognizes the leader.

It’s true.

As someone who craves recognition (it’s one of my motivators), this was a hard thing to accept.

I learned, though, that it’s not about me.

It’s about the team I lead.

And now, I take satisfaction and motivation from my team’s amazing results. And the recognition I get to give them!

Share some recognition in the comments here.

Or let me know if you need some recognition and I’m happy to share 😉

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