This Is How Modern Leaders Can Learn From the 1989 Oakland A's Winning Strategy to Boost Team Effectiveness

by Kim Fitkin - 6/6/2023

This Is How Modern Leaders Can Learn From the 1989 Oakland A's Winning Strategy to Boost Team Effectiveness

Here’s the one thing that modern leaders should learn from the 1989 Oakland A’s to be more effective…

The year is 1989.

I’m a kid watching the Oakland A’s winning the World Series.

Tony LaRussa led that team.

His name sparks nostalgia for me.

But he didnt hit the home runs, steal the bases, or make the plays.

That was Mark McGwire, Jose Canseco, Ricky Henderson, and their teammates.

LaRussa played the role of the strategist. The visionary.

He never stepped into the batters box. Or took the field himself.

Does this mean he never got his hands dirty?

No. He was there during batting practice, running drills, and sharpening the teams skills.

But he knew when to step back and let his players shine.

Todays leaders should heed this lesson.

Were the coaches, not the players.

Our job is to create an environment for success, set clear goals, and provide the right resources.


Thats up to our team.

Modern leadership isnt about doing the work ourselves.

Its about guiding those who do.

Were playing a team sport. And even the most skilled coach depends on their players.

So, to all modern leaders, remember the 1989 As.

Support your team. Inspire them. Equip them. Know when to lead, and when to roll up your sleeves.

Thats how you hit home runs. Thats how you win the game.

#Leadership #Teamwork #ModernLeadershi

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