
Explore insights and strategies on providing effective feedback within leadership roles. Discover how to empower and motivate your team through constructive communication.

Resilience Without Rose-Colored Glasses: How Realistic Leaders Thrive in Challenging Times

You don’t need to be an optimist to be resilient. “Be more optimistic”  “Don’t let it get to you.” “Look at the positive side of it” I hear that a... read more


3 Powerful Strategies Mid-Managers Need to Master to Transform Their Relationship with Their Boss

“How do I work with my boss?” I get this question a lot from mid-managers. The mid-management role is tough – You’re overseeing a team – You may... read more


5 Critical Mistakes Leaders Make That Silence Teams: How to Foster Open Communication and Boost Alignment

You think your team is bought in. But, no one is speaking up. And everyone is nodding in agreement. Then a week later you’re frustrated with the team... read more


5 Hard-Hitting Reasons Your Top Talent is Exiting and Damaging Your Company Reputation

How much does your company’s reputation mean to you? I’ll tell you what’s hurting it... Your top talent is leaving and talking about you. I got a DM... read more


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Dive deep with actionable advice on Feedback, Leaderhship Styles, Empathy and Emotional Intelligence in the workplace and more.

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