5 Hard-Hitting Reasons Your Top Talent is Exiting and Damaging Your Company Reputation

by Kim Fitkin - 11/6/2023

5 Hard-Hitting Reasons Your Top Talent is Exiting and Damaging Your Company Reputation

How much does your company’s reputation mean to you?

I’ll tell you what’s hurting it…

Your top talent is leaving and talking about you.

I got a DM the other day from someone who just left her job.

She asked for me to share her story, but to remain anonymous.

It’s almost easy to keep it anonymous because I’ve heard this story countless times.

(Totally not minimizing her experience).

– As a senior employee she never talked with her leadership team (team of 50) – Feedback was more negative than constructive (if given) – Training and development was non-existent – Begging for a raise was the norm

She was there for 15 years (15 YEARS!)

When she gave her notice you know what she got?

– Not one thank you – Ignored by her leadership team – Her job listed at a higher salary than the one she had

When I saw her job update on LinkedIn, I was shocked.

Not one person from her company wished her well.

But you know who did?

The people who worked there and had left before her.

Let’s be better. It’s not that hard.

👉 Treat your talent well  👉 Show appreciation when they’re leaving

Hi I’m Kim Fitkin 👋

I train leaders, giving them confidence, skills, and experience.

DM me to learn more!

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