Resilience Without Rose-Colored Glasses: How Realistic Leaders Thrive in Challenging Times

by Kim Fitkin - 12/6/2023

Resilience Without Rose-Colored Glasses: How Realistic Leaders Thrive in Challenging Times

You don’t need to be an optimist to be resilient.

“Be more optimistic”  “Don’t let it get to you.” “Look at the positive side of it”

I hear that a lot, but this leadership advice misses the mark because…

– Optimism can lead to denial – It can make us avoid real problems – We’re unprepared when it gets worse

Instead, accepting reality is a better form of resiliency.

Recognizing the situation as it is, not as we wish it to be.

This acceptance doesnt come easy. It requires:

– Encouraging your team to speak openly about challenges without fear of punishment – Looking at the facts. Acknowledge the good, the bad, and the ugly – Focusing on actionable steps, not just hopeful outcomes – Using failures as stepping stones, not just obstacles – Accepting that not everything is within your control

Resilience is one of the most valuable skills for a great leader.

👉 But it won’t come from will power and positive thinking.

Accept reality and put in the work.

Im curious. What experiences have led you to be resilient?

I share one of mine in the comments. I want to hear yours.

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