5 Critical Mistakes Leaders Make That Silence Teams: How to Foster Open Communication and Boost Alignment

by Kim Fitkin - 11/6/2023

5 Critical Mistakes Leaders Make That Silence Teams: How to Foster Open Communication and Boost Alignment

You think your team is bought in.

But, no one is speaking up.

And everyone is nodding in agreement.

Then a week later you’re frustrated with the team for not doing what you asked.

Lack of alignment isn’t a team issue…

👉 It’s a leadership issue

Here’s where it goes wrong

– Telling people what to do instead of creating buy-in – Leading with fear is a great way to get head nods – Not asking questions when its silent

Do this 👇

– Ensure that your team knows that they’re valued and heard – Create a culture where questions are encouraged – Clarify and check for understanding – Follow up regularly

Modern leadership isn’t blaming others for lack of alignment.

It’s looking at how you could’ve done better.

Use your 1:1s to get better alignment with your team.

I have 18 questions you can ask to have deeper 1:1 convos with your team.

The link is in the comments.

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