3 Powerful Strategies Mid-Managers Need to Master to Transform Their Relationship with Their Boss

by Kim Fitkin - 11/6/2023

3 Powerful Strategies Mid-Managers Need to Master to Transform Their Relationship with Their Boss

“How do I work with my boss?”

I get this question a lot from mid-managers.

The mid-management role is tough

– You’re overseeing a team – You may still have some IC responsibilities – And you have a boss that you want to keep happy

I have three tips for working well with your boss

1️⃣ Learn how they communicate

If they’re fast-paced and direct ↳ Get to the point. Don’t ramble on. Match their pace.

If they’re analytical and thoughtful ↳ Come prepared with data and explanations.

2️⃣ Build a relationship

You don’t have to be besties. And you shouldn’t be a suck up.

But put in the effort to understand them. Learn how to relate to them.

You’ll get more trust and grace.

3️⃣ Accept them

The good and the bad. Flaws and all.

They’re not perfect and you can’t change them.

But if you know how they like to communicate and you’ve built a relationship

Itll be easier to give (and receive) feedback.

👉 But don’t expect them to change.

And know you have choices.

You can choose to adjust your expectations and behavior to make it work.

Or choose to change your surroundings.

You’re the one in control.

I help agency leaders (mid-managers and execs) gain the confidence (and kick imposter syndromes a**) to build high-performing teams.

DM me! Id love to talk about how I can help you.

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