
A modern leadership blog by Kim Fitkin.

5 Outdated Leadership Methods You Need to Unlearn for a Future-Proof Workplace

Are you willing to let go of what you know? Leadership is more than what you learn. Its about what youre willing to unlearn. Whats worked for years... read more


5 Proven Strategies for Leaders to Set Clear Expectations and Boost Team Performance

I see leaders struggle with setting expectations. And I see teams get frustrated when they dont know what to do. When they dont know whats expected... read more


Discover Your Unique Leadership Style: 5 Crucial Lessons from a 15-Year Veteran

What works for me might not work for you. And it shouldn’t. I have a leadership style that’s unique. One I’ve developed over 15 years of leading... read more


Discovering Connection and Leadership Insights: How LinkedIn Fosters Growth for Solopreneurs

As the President of an agency I was used to people around me all the time. I managed leaders and teams. And got to interact with people all day long.... read more


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