
A modern leadership blog by Kim Fitkin.

Embrace Your Strengths: How Self-Awareness, Not Perfection, Defines Great Leadership

Great leaders don’t need to be well rounded. It’s a myth. A myth that expects leaders to be great at everything. – A salesperson who can close – A... read more


Embracing Uncertainty: The Unforeseen Journey of Trading Executive Jobs for Entrepreneurship and Family Time in 2023

Just when you think you have life figured out, it laughs in your face. (Kim Wrapped 2023 edition) You’ve made all your plans. And you think you... read more


Mastering the Art of Leadership: How to Manage Up and Down for a Motivated Team

There’s nothing worse than managing unrealistic goals. Except when you’re mid-management giving these to your team, from the execs. This is leadership... read more


Raising a Future Leader: A Mother's Hope, Fear, and Resolve in a Challenging World

“Kim, your daughter doesn’t know how lucky she is.” A friend said this to me when I found out I was pregnant last year. And the words stuck with me.... read more


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