Embrace Your Strengths: How Self-Awareness, Not Perfection, Defines Great Leadership

by Kim Fitkin - 1/6/2024

Embrace Your Strengths: How Self-Awareness, Not Perfection, Defines Great Leadership

Great leaders don’t need to be well rounded.

It’s a myth.

A myth that expects leaders to be great at everything.

– A salesperson who can close – A people-person who can talk to anyone – Intuition to see and predict market changes – Natural charisma to inspire through personality – Expert negotiators with every vendor and customer – Ability to empathize right away with everyone they meet – Make decisive and correct decisions every time, on every topic

This is a ton of expectations for one person.

It’s easy to see why leaders have low confidence and “imposter syndrome”.

They’re expected to be someone they’re not. Sometimes everything.

To have a natural talent for the things they don’t always have.

👉 What great leaders actually have is self-awareness.

– They’re aware of their weaknesses – They know someone else can do it better – And they build a balanced team to compliment their strengths

Great leadership isn’t about knowing everything.

Dont try to be something that youre not.

Instead, understand and compliment your strengths with your team.

Whats something you know isnt your talent? Me? Sales negotiating. Not a fan.

I work with first-time and senior leaders to build confidence in their leadership.

Reach out and lets plan for an amazing 2024!

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