5 Outdated Leadership Methods You Need to Unlearn for a Future-Proof Workplace

by Kim Fitkin - 1/6/2024

5 Outdated Leadership Methods You Need to Unlearn for a Future-Proof Workplace

Are you willing to let go of what you know?

Leadership is more than what you learn.

Its about what youre willing to unlearn.

Whats worked for years may not cut it today.

Were seeing shifts in the workplace

– New technologies (hint: AI 🤖) – Remote and hybrid work cultures – More diverse teams

Holding onto old ways of doing things will leave you and your team in the past.

I know, its easy to stick with what you know.

But dont get trapped in your own comfort zone.

Heres the leadership methods that we need to leave behind 👇

– One-size fits all motivation – Feedback given in the sandwich method – Feedback withheld and given in annual reviews – Rigid hierarchies that limit communication – Long hours as a badge of honor

These methods have led to results in the past.

But they won’t hold up in an increasingly flexible workforce.

Show how you can be adaptable.

Ask yourself “Does this still work?”

Great leaders aren’t afraid to make changes and ditch the methods that worked in the past.

Because they know that change is an opportunity…

To improve both results for their customers and the lives of their team members.

Unlearning isnt forgetting.

Make the strategic choice to make room for better, more effective leadership practices.

Im curious, whats something youve unlearned in your leadership role?

I help leaders, mid-management to exec level, with these things.

My 6-week coaching program covers motivation, feedback, self-development, and more. DM me for deets.

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