Discover Your Unique Leadership Style: 5 Crucial Lessons from a 15-Year Veteran

by Kim Fitkin - 1/6/2024

Discover Your Unique Leadership Style: 5 Crucial Lessons from a 15-Year Veteran

What works for me might not work for you.

And it shouldn’t.

I have a leadership style that’s unique.

One I’ve developed over 15 years of leading teams.

You won’t become a great leader copying someone else’s style…

But you can learn from other great leaders.

Here’s what worked for me 👇

– Know yourself ↳ My strength is building relationships. I lean into this as a leader.

– Don’t be someone you’re not  ↳ I’m pragmatic, yet empathetic. I’m not fluffy. I’m authentic.

– Embrace continuous learning (you can copy this one 😉) ↳ I never stop learning. I’m curious. I ask questions. I read.

– Stay flexible in your style ↳ People are diverse. My style might not work with everyone so I adjust.

– Results matter ↳ Leadership is about getting results. I change my style when it doesn’t work.

Do you know your leadership style? Has it changed?

Your style is very personal and I can help you with it.

I go over this in my 1:1 Coaching Program. Ask me how I can help you. My DMs are open 😉

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