Discovering Connection and Leadership Insights: How LinkedIn Fosters Growth for Solopreneurs

by Kim Fitkin - 1/6/2024

Discovering Connection and Leadership Insights: How LinkedIn Fosters Growth for Solopreneurs

As the President of an agency I was used to people around me all the time.

I managed leaders and teams.

And got to interact with people all day long.

The hardest adjustment to solopreneurship was leaving the people.

I have my clients whom I interact with regularly.

But that daily connection was something I was still missing.

I never expected to find an incredibly supportive group here on LinkedIn.

Especially other leaders.

And that’s exactly what I found…

It fills my need for connection and interaction.

While expanding the ideas and leadership styles that I get exposed to.

If you’re looking to connect and learn from different and great leaders,

I’d love to introduce you to a few that I’ve met here 👇

Lesley B.

Lesley gives it to you straight. Direct. No-nonsense leadership advice.

She’s a leadership coach with an emphasis on sales teams and she’s fabulous!

Matt Antonucci

Matt is an incredible storyteller! You get hooked right away.

He shares his leadership experience which is personal, engaging, and fresh.

Dana Whiteaker

Women looking for a coach, Dana is your gal.

She helps women with their EQ, confidence, boundaries, and how to be assertive.

Pathik Parikh

Pathik helps managers level up without the sale ‘ole generic advice.

He’s a modern leader who’s not afraid to speak up about outdated leadership practices.

Roel Timmermans

You can see Roel’s passion in his content. He cares about his teams and leadership.

He helps marketing leaders and backs it up with his extensive experience.

Josiah Pledl, CPTM

Josiah is real. He’s vulnerable. And he’s personal.

He shares his leadership experience through the lens of EQ which I can’t get enough of.

Matthew Ward

If you’re looking for an honest discussion about leadership, Matthew brings that.

He gets deep, inspires discussion, and does it with a dose of art.


I feel like I can go on and on about these leaders.

What I appreciate the most about them is how they share their own experiences.

They’re open, vulnerable, and genuinely wanting to help other leaders.

They might just be the person you’re looking for to help you on your leadership journey.

Check them out.

Happy Friday!

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