
A modern leadership blog by Kim Fitkin.

3 Transformative Ways to Amplify Your Leadership Influence and Inspire your Team to Greatness

There’s one trait that separates the good from the great in leadership. It’s not IQ. Its not authority. It’s the power to influence. Influence is your... read more


5 Actionable Steps for Leaders to Embrace Change and Transform Challenges into Opportunities

Just when you think you have it all figured out, life laughs and changes the game. 🔺 Your largest client ends their contract 🔺 Someone on your... read more


5 Common Flattery Fails Leaders Must Avoid to Foster Genuine Appreciation and Boost Team Productivity

Fact: Strong leaders know how to appreciate, not flatter. Watch out for these flatter fails 👉 Overblown compliments Flattery is often... read more


5 Essential Techniques for Navigating Tough Conversations as a Leader: Mastering Confrontation Without Fear

Confrontation can feel suffocating. Your chest tightens up. Heart rate spikes. Hands get clammy. When I was a new leader I was terrified of... read more


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