
A modern leadership blog by Kim Fitkin.

5 Powerful Ways Owning Your Failures as a Leader Builds Trust, Empowers Teams, and Skyrockets Success

Leaders: Take ownership when you F-up. And youll create an environment that your team wants to work in. Here’s why it matters. ✔️Trust - By owning... read more


6 Key Ways to Transform from a Likable Leader to a Respected One

Leadership isn’t a popularity contest. Your team is looking for a leader who’s going to take them places. Not someone who panders for approval. As a... read more


7 Crucial Lessons Every Leader Must Learn to Effectively Deliver Feedback and Boost Team Performance

One of the most frustrating things about the job is when feedback fails. For both the leader and the team member. Here are 7 critical lessons every... read more


7 Powerful Strategies for Giving Feedback to High Performers: How to Inspire Loyalty and Cultivate a Performance-Driven Team

Your top performers arent getting enough feedback. And youll lose them if you dont change that. Counterintuitively, its difficult to give feedback to... read more


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I'm waiting for you in my Leadership Evolved course.

Dive deep with actionable advice on Feedback, Leaderhship Styles, Empathy and Emotional Intelligence in the workplace and more.

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