
A modern leadership blog by Kim Fitkin.

2 Crucial Moments That Shaped My Leadership Style: Embracing Empathy Over Ego

The worst bosses I ever had inspired me to be a better leader. Yes, bosses. In fact, three of them. I had been at the agency for 4 months and I wasn’t... read more


2 Vital Lessons I Learned from My First Leadership Role in Retail: Overcoming Challenges and Embracing Responsibility

My first manager role was as a Sales Lead at a large mall retailer. I worked retail all through college and when I graduated I wanted more... read more


3 Essential Ways to Take Charge of Your Career Growth: How Self-Advocacy Leads to Success

I didn’t get every promotion I asked for. But every promotion I got I asked for. Understand this one hard truth - we are our best advocates. We’re... read more


3 Powerful Tools to Transform Your Leadership Through Understanding Human Behavior

Leadership is about understanding people. For that, you need the right tools. Here are 3 resources to elevate your understanding of human behavior. ... read more


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