6 Key Ways to Transform from a Likable Leader to a Respected One

by Kim Fitkin - 7/6/2023

6 Key Ways to Transform from a Likable Leader to a Respected One

Leadership isn’t a popularity contest.

Your team is looking for a leader who’s going to take them places.

Not someone who panders for approval.

As a people-pleaser, I’ve prided myself on being likable.

And I assumed it made me an effective leader.

When my team member approached me to talk I was thinking “I love chatting with him! It’s always such a pleasant conversation.”

What he had to say was, “Kim, I need more from you. I don’t know how to level up and you don’t give me enough feedback.”


This pretty much squashed my theory that being liked is good enough.

Also, some major self-awareness that leading isn’t about what I get out of it, it’s what I can give to my team.

Here are 6 ways you can be a modern leader that prioritizes respect and effectiveness over popularity.

Feedback 👉 Popularity leaders won’t challenge the status quo 👉 Respected leaders give difficult feedback

Accountability 👉 Popularity leaders play favorites 👉 Respected leaders hold everyone to the same standards

Transparency 👉 Popularity leaders hide behind misdirection and toxic positivity 👉 Respected leaders share difficult truths, even when it makes them look bad

Vulnerability 👉 Popularity leaders won’t admit mistakes 👉 Respected leaders share struggles

Rewards 👉 Popularity leaders reward with gifts 👉 Respected leaders reward with trust and responsibility

Recognition 👉 Popularity leaders recognize people they like 👉 Respected leaders recognize people for performance and impact

It feels good to be liked.

When you lead a team, it’s not about you, though.

Put your team first, and be respected.

Have you ever received feedback that challenged your leadership approach? Share in the comments.

#modernleadership #leadership #feedback

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