
A modern leadership blog by Kim Fitkin.

Unleash Your Team's Potential: How Leaders Can Boost Performance by Stepping Back

Leaders, are you leaning on your team’s talent? Or are you inadvertently limiting them by managing every detail? Your job as a leader is to set goals,... read more


Unlocking Empathy in Leadership: How Connecting with Universal Emotions Can Transform Your Team Dynamics

When I teach managers about empathy I deal with wrong assumptions. They have a hard time empathizing with their teams. Because they don’t have shared... read more


3 Powerful Strategies Mid-Managers Need to Master to Transform Their Relationship with Their Boss

“How do I work with my boss?” I get this question a lot from mid-managers. The mid-management role is tough – You’re overseeing a team – You may... read more


5 Critical Mistakes Leaders Make That Silence Teams: How to Foster Open Communication and Boost Alignment

You think your team is bought in. But, no one is speaking up. And everyone is nodding in agreement. Then a week later you’re frustrated with the team... read more


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