Unleash Your Team's Potential: How Leaders Can Boost Performance by Stepping Back

by Kim Fitkin - 12/6/2023

Unleash Your Team's Potential: How Leaders Can Boost Performance by Stepping Back

Leaders, are you leaning on your team’s talent?

Or are you inadvertently limiting them by managing every detail?

Your job as a leader is to set goals, or outcomes.

Let’s say you have a team of managers, and their goal is client retention.

You want them to do this through excellent client communication.

Do this 👇

– Be clear with the outcome – Define what success is – Now step away

Let your team show how talented they are…

I mean, you hired them after all.

Leadership is not about how you would do things… …but how your team, with their diverse talents, can achieve outcomes you’ve set.

When we become overly involved in every step of their job, it can damage performance.

– Clients miss out on personalization – Team’s strengths are stiffened – Trust is lost in the leader

If youve set strong, clear outcomes, have the courage to step back.

Let your team surprise you.

If youre a leader looking for help setting goals and outcomes for your team, reach out to me!

I offer this in my 6-course 1:1 training and also in my online course.

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