
Dive into the essence of leadership. Explore how to inspire, guide, and elevate your team, shaping the future of your organization with vision and integrity.

Uncover Your Leadership Potential: How Unexpected Challenges Spark Growth and Mastery

I don’t expect people to remember everything I write online. I don’t expect them to become a better manager that way. Leadership training is funny.... read more


5 Powerful Ways Leaders Harness Intuition for Effective Decision Making

Im not a big data person. I always thought it was a weakness of mine in a leadership role. Ive relied on my intuition to make decisions. And its... read more


Embrace the Climb: How Leaders Can Harness Discomfort for Growth and Resilience

You will be uncomfortable as a leader. It’s everywhere. – When making hard decisions – During unplanned disruptions – Navigating changes to your... read more


How Leading a Retreat Can Transform Your Team: Understanding, Bonding, and Achieving Greater Effectiveness

Yesterday I led a department retreat for a team at Chapman University. It was an amazing reminder of why I do what I do. I love leading teams. When I... read more


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Ready to become a better leader?

I'm waiting for you in my Leadership Evolved course.

Dive deep with actionable advice on Feedback, Leaderhship Styles, Empathy and Emotional Intelligence in the workplace and more.

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