Uncover Your Leadership Potential: How Unexpected Challenges Spark Growth and Mastery

by Kim Fitkin - 2/14/2024

Uncover Your Leadership Potential: How Unexpected Challenges Spark Growth and Mastery

I don’t expect people to remember everything I write online.

I don’t expect them to become a better manager that way.

Leadership training is funny.

You spend hours reading books and learning frameworks.

– You read stories – View carousels – Sit through presentations – And download infographics online

But the growth isn’t really happening there.

Those learning moments happen when you don’t plan it.

When you find yourself in a tough situation with your team.

You won’t remember everything you’ve read.

But you have the tools, and start to recognize opportunities for…

– Extreme ownership – Psychological safety – Behaviors and motivators – and a dozen other leadership concepts

So you share a little with your team.

Then go back to review with your books, peers, and mentors.

And get better at using these tools every time.

That’s when growth happens.

And that’s how you become a better leader.

👉 My advice to leaders:

– Stay curious – Remain open – Look for opportunities to learn

What tools or frameworks made a difference in your journey as a leader?

For me, I always return to Radical Candor, the framework around giving feedback.

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