Emotional Intelligence

Explore the role of emotional intelligence in leadership. Discover how to manage your emotions and understand those of your team to enhance decision-making and foster a positive work environment.

Transform Your Leadership Style: How 9 Leaders Used DISC Assessments to Elevate Their Emotional Intelligence and Empathy in 3 Days

I played a game with a group of 9 leaders this week. Called “Take It Or Leave It.” I spent 3 days with them and the first thing we did was this game.... read more


Unlocking Team Potential: How Empathetic Listening Transforms Leadership and Fosters Collaboration

Leaders, it’s not your job to tell people how to feel. It’s your job to listen. When your team courageously shares their feelings. And you reply,... read more


How Harnessing Emotional Intelligence Can Transform Your Leadership and Boost Business Success

Bad managers say that emotions don’t belong at work. That belief is outdated, ignorant, and harmful to your business. Emotions drive everything we do.... read more


Master the Art of Projecting Calmness: Transform Your Team's Productivity and Psychological Safety with This Daily Leadership Practice

Calmness is contagious. Ever had a manager who wore stress all over their face? You could tell in minutes if they were having a bad day. The feeling... read more


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