Master the Art of Projecting Calmness: Transform Your Team's Productivity and Psychological Safety with This Daily Leadership Practice

by Kim Fitkin - 12/6/2023

Master the Art of Projecting Calmness: Transform Your Team's Productivity and Psychological Safety with This Daily Leadership Practice

Calmness is contagious.

Ever had a manager who wore stress all over their face?

You could tell in minutes if they were having a bad day.

The feeling was palpable in the room.

The effect it has on teams?

– Walking on eggshells – Less motivated to do great work – Fear of speaking up about problems – More stress from the work you’re already juggling

It’s our job as leaders to project calmness.

And to produce a psychologically safe environment for our team.

This isn’t a skill you learn once. It’s one that you have to practice every day.

”Training is like sweeping the floor. Just because we’ve done it once, doesn’t mean the floor is clean forever. Every day the dust comes back. Every day we must sweep.” - Daniele Bolelli

Projecting calmness is one of these sweeping-the-floor practices.

It’s in human nature to be expressive when stressed and overwhelmed.

It’s with self-awareness and intentional practice that we can manage our reactions.

If you’re feeling stressed, please reach out to me.

I help great leaders develop EQ and self-regulation in my 1:1 coaching program.

Or maybe a sympathetic ear is all you need ❤️

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