How Harnessing Emotional Intelligence Can Transform Your Leadership and Boost Business Success

by Kim Fitkin - 12/6/2023

How Harnessing Emotional Intelligence Can Transform Your Leadership and Boost Business Success

Bad managers say that emotions don’t belong at work.

That belief is outdated, ignorant, and harmful to your business.

Emotions drive everything we do.

They’re at the core of our thoughts.

And that leads to how we behave and the decisions we make.

(If you havent read Emotional Intelligence 2.0 yet, you should)

One of the most important parts of a leader’s role is to make decisions.

When leaders make decisions with disregard for their emotions (low EQ)…

– They make snap decisions, ones based in anger or frustration 👉 Canceling a project on the spot or firing someone in reaction to one event

– They make bad call after bad call 👉 Unable to read the room and get a vibe leaves teams frustrated

– Theyre about the bottom line over their team’s burnout 👉 Theyll incentivize more overtime instead of prioritizing time off

Leaders can overcome this 👇

– Get comfortable with your emotions. You have them. Understand them. – Make space for emotional views. You’ll understand your team better. – Never stop learning EQ. It’s a skill that can always improve.

Leaders who develop their EQ make their lives easier…

– Understanding your team is easier – Able to adapt to business changes with less stress – Build more meaningful relationships and trust with their teams

Emotional intelligence is the foundation of good decision making, when your decisions involve people.

If you want to be a better decision maker, invest in this skill.

I dive DEEP into EQ in my 6-Week Coaching Program.

If youre looking to build this skill, reach out. I can help you.

More info in the comments below.

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