Transform Your Leadership Style: How 9 Leaders Used DISC Assessments to Elevate Their Emotional Intelligence and Empathy in 3 Days

by Kim Fitkin - 2/6/2024

Transform Your Leadership Style: How 9 Leaders Used DISC Assessments to Elevate Their Emotional Intelligence and Empathy in 3 Days

I played a game with a group of 9 leaders this week.

Called “Take It Or Leave It.”

I spent 3 days with them and the first thing we did was this game.

Before showing up I had them complete a DISC assessment.

(A report that details their behaviors and communication style.)

The report goes into detail about their specific behavioral characteristics.

The challenge 👇

– Choose 1-3 statements that you disagree with – Write each on a 3x5 notecard – Reflect for 3 days

Over the next 3 days we got into some big discussions.

All centered around leadership development.

Topics like

– How to delegate – Giving and getting feedback – Having tough conversations – Leadership styles and philosophy – Emotional intelligence and empathy

Through those discussions we talked about how their DISC shows up.

With statements like “Delegation is a challenge because I tend to distrust others.”

At the end of the 3 days I asked them to take a look at their notecards.

And to leave the cards that they still disagree with.

Or take the card after 3 days of practicing self-awareness.

Maybe it was  more accurate than they first thought.

There was a ton of discussion.

People sharing with their peers how they agreed and how they didn’t.

Sharing how they see this behavior in each other.

And they felt comfortable doing this.

Because over 3 days we created a safe space together.

Where we could share our whole self and learn from one another.

Just about everyone was able to take a card with them 😉

I have so much fun working with leaders. It’s incredibly motivating for me.

If you’re a leader looking to understand your team better, reach out. I’d love to help you!

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