Unlocking True Motivation: How Great Leaders Empower Their Teams to Find Their Own Drive

by Kim Fitkin - 9/6/2023

Unlocking True Motivation: How Great Leaders Empower Their Teams to Find Their Own Drive

Bad leaders think they can control their teams motivation.

Great leaders know their job is to understand their team’s motivation.

Some leaders arrogantly believe they have the power, or even the right, to control or modify someone elses internal drive.

The moment you tie your emotions to someone elses motivation, youre setting up for disappointment. Both for you and your team.

And worse, youre missing the point.

I see leaders taking it upon themselves to motivate their teams.

They plan inspiring speeches Roll out innovative incentive plans And even resort to fear tactics 👎

Because they believe they are going to create the motivation for their team.

But heres a reality check 👉 Someone elses motivation isn’t for you to decide.

Leadership isnt about telling others how to feel or what should drive them.

True motivation, the kind that lasts and pushes people to greatness, comes from within.

Its personal, connected to individual dreams and goals.

And heres the good part. As a great leader you have a very important role. One of understanding and support.

Instead of asking, “How can I motivate them?” start asking, “How can I help them find their motivation?”

Once you understand that, the real work can begin and motivation can grow.

Think about a leader youve worked with – What role did they play in your motivation?

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