Redefining Autonomy: How Leaders Can Truly Empower Their Teams for Success

by Kim Fitkin - 10/6/2023

Redefining Autonomy: How Leaders Can Truly Empower Their Teams for Success

Too many leaders get autonomy wrong.

And as leaders we can’t afford to.

It’s something I hear a lot from teams.

But, its often misunderstood.

If your team asks for autonomy, ask back.

What does autonomy mean to them?

Just saying “Im giving you autonomy” is not enough.

It lacks context.

Because true autonomy is defined by the recipient.

What does autonomy look like? Check it out 👇

Give them the freedom to fail. Let them take the risk. → Be there to support. But not too fast.

Let them make decisions. → Trust their choices. Especially when you wouldnt make the same.

Trust in their expertise. → You hired them for a reason, right? Don’t micromanage.

No strings attached. → The trust is genuine. Its a true investment in your team.

Even if you think you got it right, stop and ask your team.

Autonomy is one of the best motivators in a strong team.

It’s worth doing it right.

Are you a leader looking for better support?  DM me.

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