
A modern leadership blog by Kim Fitkin.

Embrace the Storm: How Acceptance Unlocks Exceptional Leadership in Turbulent Times

It’s the end of the week and maybe it was a sh*t week. You messed up or some things may have just gone wrong. My leadership lesson for today: Accept... read more


Embracing Discomfort: How Your Uncomfortable Moments of Self-Awareness Can Lead to Greater Personal Growth

I was awake at 2am, eyes wide open. Experiencing an uncomfortable moment of self-awareness. That feeling where you want to crawl into your own body... read more


Fuel Your Drive, Not Your Ego: How Successful Leaders Stay Curious, Alert and Ambitious Amidst Praise and Recognition

“You are at your most vulnerable only when people speak of your greatness.” - Walt Disney Being recognized is an incredible feeling. Acknowledgements... read more


How Leaders Can Transform Teams: Embrace Solutions, Not Opinions

"Provide solutions – not opinions." - A warning to my team from my favorite personality assessment. It’s one of my preferred ways for people... read more


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