Embracing Discomfort: How Your Uncomfortable Moments of Self-Awareness Can Lead to Greater Personal Growth

by Kim Fitkin - 8/6/2023

Embracing Discomfort: How Your Uncomfortable Moments of Self-Awareness Can Lead to Greater Personal Growth

I was awake at 2am, eyes wide open.

Experiencing an uncomfortable moment of self-awareness.

That feeling where you want to crawl into your own body and hide from the world.

Because somebody said the wrong thing. Because you were dismissed. Because something just went wrong.

I was in charge of a large project years ago. It was mine. It was my baby. And I was proud of what I had put together. It was perfect.

Until someone on my team spoke up about a better way.

It took all my self-control to keep my mouth closed and to not flip a table. (metaphorically? 😅)

I was angry. They were attacking my baby.

The meeting continued on with the team talking about this alternative. I was barely listening, still fuming and ready to get out of there.

Nobody said anything to me, but my frustration was palpable.

It was when I finally was able to calm down, clear my mind, and reflect on this that I had my moment.

I was angry. Not because I was challenged. But because deep down I knew they were right. And I internalized their idea as my own failure.

That realization was my uncomfortable moment of self-awareness.

My ego was exposed. I felt foolish and I had nowhere to hide.

But that discomfort was a gift. An opportunity to improve.

Because the discomfort happens when your opinion of yourself doesnt match your actions. And you actually see it.

Instead, lean into the discomfort. Give yourself some grace and practice introspection.

Appreciate the opportunity to learn more about yourself and grow closer to the person you want to be.

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