Embrace the Storm: How Acceptance Unlocks Exceptional Leadership in Turbulent Times

by Kim Fitkin - 8/6/2023

Embrace the Storm: How Acceptance Unlocks Exceptional Leadership in Turbulent Times

It’s the end of the week and maybe it was a sh*t week.

You messed up or some things may have just gone wrong.

My leadership lesson for today: Accept it.

The power of acceptance is undervalued by leaders. It’s not about waving the white flag and giving up.

Acceptance isn’t defeat and great leaders know this.

Great leaders embrace this stoic mindset. They steer through storms, not just clear skies.

The problems leaders face are abundant:

Inevitable failures  – Not every project will be a success. Accepting this leads to faster recovery and growth.

Personality differences  – Everyone you lead is unique. Don’t try to change them, find ways to focus on their strengths.

Diverse opinions  – Agreement is comforting, but you wont always get it. Leadership requires making unpopular decisions.

Difference in execution – If you delegate a task and its done differently than youd do it, it’s okay, everyones style is different. Focus on the outcome.

External forces  – Market shifts, global events, things beyond our control happen. Adapt, don’t resist. Maybe even look for new opportunities.

Marcus Aurelius tells us “You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.”

There’s value in acceptance. Free your mind to focus on the new challenges and successes that come next.

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