
A modern leadership blog by Kim Fitkin.

Rebalancing Positivity: How Acknowledging Real Issues Can Foster a Healthier Work Culture

Is toxic positivity damaging your work culture? And what can you do about it? You hear the leadership advice. – “You got this” – “Be optimistic” –... read more


7 Powerful Ways to Boost Your Team's Performance Without Turning into a Micromanager

This is killing your teams performance. The signs of micromanagement you might be overlooking... – Hovering and nitpicking every detail – Becoming a... read more


Embrace the Imperfections: How Launching Your Online Course Now Can Jumpstart Your Success as a Solopreneur

I thought I was going to be ready today. To make my big announcement! That my online leadership course is live. But. Somehow it takes an hour to... read more


Unlock Growth: How Embracing Uncomfortable Moments of Self-Awareness Can Revolutionize Your Leadership Style

We’ve all had these moments. The ones we wish we could take back or change. – “That’s not me.” – “Why did I say that?” – “I would’ve done something... read more


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