7 Powerful Ways to Boost Your Team's Performance Without Turning into a Micromanager

by Kim Fitkin - 2/21/2024

7 Powerful Ways to Boost Your Team's Performance Without Turning into a Micromanager

This is killing your teams performance.

The signs of micromanagement you might be overlooking…

– Hovering and nitpicking every detail – Becoming a bottleneck to making decisions – Redoing your teams work because its not done your way

The most common question I get asked…

”How can I set clear expectations and hold my team accountable without crossing the line to a micromanager?”

There’s a fine line between guiding your team to success and stifling independence.

It’s understanding that management is not controlling every activity.

But empowering your team to excel within defined boundaries.

  1. Give trust and build trust. This takes time. – If you cant trust your team, ask yourself why and work on it.

  2. Reflect on your need to control. – Is this due to your own insecurities?

  3. Ask your team how they want to be managed. – Adjusting your management style based on their feedback can lead to better results.

  4. Agree on expectations and deadlines. – Be clear about what and when you expect things.

5.Hire the right people. – Competent employees require less supervision.

  1. Explain why you’re being hands-on. – Just saying “I’m the boss” isn’t a valid reason.

  2. Don’t become a hands-off manager. – Your team needs your guidance, not your absence.

Build a team that thrives on trust and independence.

Guide with confidence, not control.

What’re your thoughts on micromanagement? Share in the comments 👇

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