Rebalancing Positivity: How Acknowledging Real Issues Can Foster a Healthier Work Culture

by Kim Fitkin - 2/28/2024

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Is toxic positivity damaging your work culture?

And what can you do about it?

You hear the leadership advice…

– “You got this” – “Be optimistic” – “There’s no such thing as impossible”

It’s not bad advice.

Until it ignores, downplays, and discounts real issues.

And where emotions aren’t validated.

This can lead to teams feeling misunderstood and alienated.

So how do you balance this with your team?

– Make it clear emotions are valid and have their place at work – Lead by example by expressing your own emotions – Promote mental and emotional well-being practices – Genuinely listen to your teams’ concerns – Address the issues and offer support – Acknowledge their difficulties

You can still have a positive place that thrives on optimism.

One that acknowledges the full spectrum of emotions.

By creating a space where positivity is a choice, not a mandate.

How does positivity in the workplace make you feel?

And how are you balancing positivity with reality? Share in the comments. I’d love to know.

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