
A modern leadership blog by Kim Fitkin.

Unlocking True Motivation: How Great Leaders Empower Their Teams to Find Their Own Drive

Bad leaders think they can control their teams motivation. Great leaders know their job is to understand their team’s motivation. Some leaders... read more


Why Walking the Talk is the Defining Factor of Successful Leadership: The High Cost of Hypocrisy

“Do as I say, not as I do.” We all know this leader. The one who preaches standards, expectations, and methods, only to sidestep those very... read more


5 Essential Tips to Avoid Audience Missteps in Your B2B SaaS Content Strategy

Imagine I broke down your door, sat on your sofa, and told you everything there is to know about your favourite show. (I’d be terribly apologetic and... read more


5 Unavoidable Challenges Leaders Face and How Overcoming Them Paves the Way for Growth

Don’t take it so personally. When someone leaves When you get tough feedback When your idea isn’t the one chosen When a candidate declines your job... read more


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