5 Essential Tips to Avoid Audience Missteps in Your B2B SaaS Content Strategy

by Kim Fitkin - 9/3/2023

Imagine I broke down your door, sat on your sofa, and told you everything there is to know about your favourite show.

(I’d be terribly apologetic and try to give you tea 🍵 and chocolate to make up for it, but let’s blow past that or this analogy will falter and die.)

Aside from the mild terror of a middle aged British woman invading your home armed with a teapot, it’d be irritating, right? You don’t need me to tell you the plot. Or explain the character motivations.

Yet so much content does that to its readers. By the time you’ve wasted precious words telling them what they already know, their eyes are glazing over.

If you want them to love, share, and come back for more content, glazed eyes are the last thing you want!

Before you set your content writer free to get those words down, be clear on what the reader already knows:

👉 About this topic 👉 About the kind of service you offer 👉 About your service specifically

Say you’re writing an article for sales team leads who are frustrated with their current CRM. Don’t:

❌ Explain why a CRM is important. They know, that’s why they’ve got one. ❌ Tell them what a CRM does. They know, and theirs isn’t doing it. ❌ Write them a listicle of ten signs you need a CRM. They’ve got one. They need it to work better. That’s why they’re here.

But you could talk about:

✅ Signs your CRM needs an upgrade ✅ Common CRM problems and how to fix them ✅ Uncommon CRM problems and how to fix them ✅ 10 things that CRMs get wrongly blamed for  ✅ How your solution stacks up against the competition ✅ Unique features that elevate a CRM above the competition (that your solution has, obviously)

Keep it simple. Know who you’re talking to. Know what they’re asking for. Give them that.

And for the love of bob don’t do the content equivalent of explaining Good Omens to someone who’s seen it at least twenty times and is overflowing with behind the scenes facts (hi, that’s me.) 😇 👿

#saasmarketing #saascontent #contentmarketing #contentwriting #contentstrategy

Hi, I’m Allie. I help B2B SaaS brands stand out with practical content their customers can rely on. Ring 🔔 the so you don’t miss a post.

PS Ready to build your authority with content that knows your customers so well it could order for them at Starbucks? Drop me a DM and let’s see if I can help you!

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