Discover the Power of Individuality: How Understanding Your Team's Unique Desires Can Transform Your Leadership Approach

by Kim Fitkin - 11/6/2023

Discover the Power of Individuality: How Understanding Your Team's Unique Desires Can Transform Your Leadership Approach

There’s some bad leadership advice out there.

“Treat everyone the same”

Here’s the truth.

Your team doesn’t want that.

What they want is to be understood…

As individuals.

I was leading a team of managers that were incredibly different.

One manager on my team wanted me…

– To be direct and challenge him – To give him hard work that no one else wanted – So that he could take my job one day

Another manager on my team…

– Didn’t want my job – Wanted to perfect his craft – Wanted time and autonomy to develop themselves

If I treated them the same, theyd both be unhappy.

And I’d be a bad manager.

To give them both what they needed to succeed, I’d treat them different.

Your team isnt cogs in a machine.

Get to know your team.

– Understand them – What motivates them – What they actually want out of their job

It doesn’t just happen. You have to put in the work.

Talk to them, show genuine interest, and build real relationships.

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I have a free PDF to help you ask better questions of your team.

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