
Dive into the essence of leadership. Explore how to inspire, guide, and elevate your team, shaping the future of your organization with vision and integrity.

2 Vital Lessons I Learned from My First Leadership Role in Retail: Overcoming Challenges and Embracing Responsibility

My first manager role was as a Sales Lead at a large mall retailer. I worked retail all through college and when I graduated I wanted more... read more


3 Transformative Ways to Amplify Your Leadership Influence and Inspire your Team to Greatness

There’s one trait that separates the good from the great in leadership. It’s not IQ. Its not authority. It’s the power to influence. Influence is your... read more


Choosing Family Over Hustle: A Counterintuitive Approach to Leadership Success

Yesterday, I did the *opposite* of what a CEO on LinkedIn said to do. I woke up planning to post on LinkedIn yesterday. Then intentionally didn’t.... read more


Discover How These Essential Lessons Transformed My Leadership Approach: No Perfection Required!

Im not a perfect leader. But who says you have to be? 🤷‍♀️ Here are some lessons that have helped me be a bit better 👇 #modernleadership... read more


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